Lately my work has been focused primarily on graphics for Television and Movies with Ingenuity Studios. I’ve updated my IMDb profile to reflect many of the projects I’ve been a part of and my specific role. Click below to see.




Here are just some of the clients I’ve had the pleasure of working with as a freelancer. For more information on some highlights, visit my Portfolio, or you can deep-dive in my Motion Graphics and Traditional Animation sections. I’ve done plenty of work that didn’t find a home on this website, so if there’s something else you’d like to know about, feel free to reach out in the Contact section and ask to see more!

Amazon Logo.png
Cisco Logo.png
Bic Logo.png
Google Logo.png
Mettler Toledo Logo.png
Rocketjump Logo.png
Preveil Logo.png
Vonage Logo.png

and tons more!